Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Golfers and a Fountain of Youth

FriDay, JANUARY 4, 2013

      Happy New Year all!!!  Let 2013 be the year you give yourself back healthy, youthful skin!  How? Watch as two professional golfers with premature aging of their faces volunteer to use Nevaline, 
the amazing anti-aging serum.  We will record their progress each week right here, so don’t miss it.
As you know, golfers are out in the sun a great deal.  And professionals like Cyrus Wu and James Moseley are paying for it.   
Overexposure to the sun leads to inflammation, and an increase in free radicals that damage the skin’s structure and rob it of moisture. 
Now if that is too much science for you, don’t worry.  Nevaline, our amazing anti-aging serum, can take care of all of that and more. 
Nevaline contains DNP, a powerful signal peptide which regulates healthy skin cells and combats the sun’s negative effects.  It awakens a fountain of youth within you.
Cyrus and James have agreed to try Nevaline for four weeks.  They are athletes, not actors.  Sincere people like you and I, and they are about to experience the anti-aging power of Nevaline.  So follow along in the weeks ahead.
And whether you are golfing, fishing, sailing or surfing, play on and team up with Nevaline.

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